Tiantai Yuanda Traffic Device Co., Ltd.

Tel.: +86-571-86413420
Fax: +86-571-86413271

Developing History

Led by Mr. Xi, the president of Yuanda, a team of more than 50 people created Tiantai Langge Traffic Equipment Plant and started manufacturing rubber speed bumps, road cones and other traffic safety products.

Office in Hangzhou city was established, expanding our sales coverage.

Company was restructured and Tiantai Yuanda Traffic Device Co., Ltd. was incorporated, covering an area of 37,000 square meters and enlarging production line to include large blow molding machine, injection molding machine and other equipment.

We employed a number of experienced technicians who helped to improve our ability in self innovation.

By means of unmatched services and superior product quality, Yuanda became the leading supplier of traffic control devices in domestic market.

Foreign trade department was set up in the Taizhou company.

To better serve foreign customers, we established foreign trade department in Hangzhou city.